La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Chapter 1, also known as Capitulo I, represents the inaugural blend crafted by Litto Gomez's son, Antonio "Tony" Gomez. This cigar is a true testament to Tony's blending expertise and is highly regarded among cigar enthusiasts. The blend of Chapter 1 is a showcase of carefully selected tobaccos. It features a Brazilian wrapper known for its rich, dark flavor profile, a Connecticut binder that adds strength and structure, and filler tobaccos sourced from LFD's own farm in the Dominican Republic.
The wedge-shaped head, resembling an actual chisel, eliminates the need for a traditional cutter. Instead, you can simply pinch the tip from the sides.
Size: Toro 6 1/2 x58 Figurado
Strenght: full body
Wrapper: Brazil
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Country of origin: Nicaragua
Rating: 90
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